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Your eyes in the sky

Aerial video analytics for smarter drone operations

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About Us

Most drones incorporate at least one camera so a human can see what they are seeing. That is a lot of footage to analyze. Artificial Intelligence powered video analysis can tackle a good part of that work, making drone operations more efficient and safe. We are a spin-off company that brings together many years of expertise in the drone industry and video analytics applications. We leverage on our AI model generation framework and real time execution technology to bring drone services to the automation stage they need.


Flexible robust deployments

The accuracy of the video analysis model is a key factor in the performance of a system. But so is the reliability of the technology for execution in real life and real time. Our solutions are available in different configurations to best adapt to each scenario.


Onboard video processing for a real time service regardless of connectivity. Both on its own hardware or running in the drone’s computer.


Our software solution installed on the Ground Control Station. No additional SWAP onboard. Just a local server on site.


No onboard hardware, no local server. Just an API connection to the cloud, where our system processes the images in real time.

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Where we make a difference

Among the many uses of video analysis, deep learning models for image processing are especially well suited to solve some of the main challenges faced by uncrewed aerial operations.

Visual Navigation

Providing drones with the situational awareness required to fly autonomously, Beyond the Visual Line Of Sight of the pilot (BVLOS) and on shared airspace.


Identifying objects and events from the air that are relevant during a search or as a breach of infrastructure security


Ensuring the integrity of all kind of assets by detecting defects and evaluating potential hazards thanks to a custom aerial point of view.


Ready to Use Solutions

Automatic Target Recognition (ATR)

Incorporate autonomous people and vehicle detection, counting and perimeter trespassing for improved drone-based security rounds

Find out more about Automatic Target Recognition

Detect And Avoid (DAA) system

Collaborative and non-collaborative obstacle detection and risk assessment on air, to safely perform the most challenging drone operations

Find out more about Detect And Avoid

Foreign Object Debris (FOD) detector

Automatically detect and classify unexpected objects, or identify relevant changes in a known road or runaway, to assist repair and maintenance

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